Why Can't Democrats Get Anything Done?
If anyone ever wonders why Democrats never get anything done, understand that in order to get anything done, you need a large majority in the house, and a super majority in the Senate. That's just the way the place works.
The way things work, the minority can shut anything down.
The last time Democrats almost had that was early Obama, and that's how we got Obamacare. He only had the numbers for a brief moment.
Remember when Bill Clinton said "the era of big government is over?" That's because HE lost his brief honeymoon.
Thus, Democrats defaulted to the Supreme Court for a lot of the heavy lifting. This progress led to the rise of three or four different kinds of fascists on the right, reacting to what little progress was made through the courts and legislation, and the election of a black president of course.
As I keep saying, the rise of fascism is NOT because of anything bad that anyone did. It's because of PROGRESS and conservatives are reacting badly to GOOD THINGS that they perceive as bad like a black president and poverty getting better and kids getting less racist and people starting to accept queer people. Like the Nazis before them, they are people who see their own loss of privilege as an assault on them.
They know they don't have the majority and can't win in democracy any more. That's why they are working to end our democracy every day.
We can stop them though, if we want it.
There is one solution: VOTE.
Do everything you can to vote for Democrats for the rest of your lives and convince others to do so. That's ALL WE HAVE.
They are planning genocide, terrorism, civil war.
They have made themselves clear on this. I suggest we start to take them seriously and vote like we care.